Investors FAQ
Check out our responses to some of the most common questions we receive below. We’re confident that what you learn here will reaffirm your decision to join the LIONSCOVE family.

Video FAQs

Question #1
Why do people invest with LIONSCOVE?
Making decisions on how to invest for your future can be daunting, but here at LIONSCOVE, we make it easy to make the right decision.

Question #2
What if the housing market tanks? Can I lose money if I invest with LIONSCOVE?
Investing does come with risks, but the team of experts here at LIONSCOVE employs different strategies built to preserve capital and manage risk in even the most unexpected situations. Hear from Liam how LIONSCOVE manages this risk.

Question #3
Why would anyone borrow from us at 12%-13%?
You may be thinking, what kind of borrower is OK with 12-13% interest.
LIONSCOVE works with real estate investors looking for funding for short-term projects such as “fix and flip” or small-scale developments. Often, the most critical factor in these projects is speed. The impact of a higher interest rate is less important if it means knocking a few months off the total hold time of a project.

Question #4
What happens if people do not make their loan payments?
At LIONSCOVE, we fully underwrite all loans to lessen the likelihood of a borrower following behind. If a borrower does miss a payment, we have a series of steps we follow to help get them back on track. Check out the 1 minute video for more details about the steps we take to help keep borrowers on track and to still generate a return for our investors.

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